Table of Contents
The Prevalence of Alcoholism

What Is a High Functioning Alcoholic?
Consequences of Living with a Functional Level of Alcoholism
As a result of the control high functioning alcoholics seem to have over their lives, it can be challenging to spot an alcohol-based substance use disorder or functioning alcoholic behavior. As a result, it could take an extremely long time to notice the effects of alcohol dependence.
Risk Factors of Functioning Alcoholics
- Binge drinking
- Experiencing high levels of stress
- Exposure to peer pressure to drink
- Having a mental health problem
- Having low self-esteem
Are You or Your Partner a Functioning Alcoholic?
Symptoms of Functional Alcoholism
- Avoiding any critical input or feedback about drinking patterns.
- Blacking out from alcohol consumption.
- Concealing how much alcohol is consumed.
- Continuing to drink even if it has caused or worsened physical or mental health problems.
- Drinking a large amount of alcohol and not appearing intoxicated is one of the major functional alcoholic symptoms.
How to Discuss Health Issues with a Functional Alcoholic
Talk When They Are in a Good Mood
The best time to talk to a fully functioning alcoholic about their substance use problem is when they are sober and in a good mood. This helps you ensure that they do not take you out of context or react based on their current circumstances. You will also have the greatest chance of success in getting them to seek treatment. 4
Share Your Past Knowledge
Leave Immediately
Stand Firm with Your Words
Use a Compassionate Tone to Pass Your Message
Downsides of Being a Functional Alcoholic
Yet, although they seemingly have everything under control, they still fall victim to the effects of the misuse of alcohol. Over time, consumption of highly alcoholic substances may elicit several health conditions, including liver damage. 4
Low Productivity
Living in The State of Denial
Denial is one of the most common functional alcoholic symptoms. This generally revolves around the inability to admit an alcohol problem exists. By keeping parts of their life hidden from loved ones, they are often unaware of the damage being done to their health and relationship with others.
Treatments for Functioning Alcoholism
Several stages are employed while properly treating high functioning alcoholic health problems, including a combination of medications, therapy, and support groups. 5

Detoxification may be necessary depending on the severity of alcoholism and functioning alcoholic behavior. Medical specialists will regularly evaluate withdrawal symptoms during detox and may prescribe drugs to address any severe side effects. This is required since alcohol withdrawal can be deadly in some circumstances. In addition, medication-based intervention may be necessary in severe cases of withdrawal due to long-term alcohol or highly alcoholic use.
Residential Care
Individuals can live in a treatment facility full time if they need intensive treatment, expert care, or medication intervention to prevent relapses. In addition, relating with other individuals with substance use disorders can offer additional support and assist functional alcoholics in breaking past denial and starting the recovery process.
Support Groups
With a site in Montecito, Stillwater Behavioral Health is a cutting-edge drug and alcohol treatment facility. Our programs are custom-made to provide each client with a one-of-a-kind therapy experience. As a result, treatment for substance use does not come in a “one-size-fits-all” package. Instead, we think that the best approach to long-term, sustainable rehabilitation is completely tailored care that incorporates traditional, modern, and holistic therapies.