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Founder of Stillwater Behavioral Health Nicholas Mathews Interviewed on The Subject Matter Expert Podcast by Qamar Zaman

April 28, 2022

Zaman interviewed Stillwater Behavioral Health CEO Nicholas Mathews on his recent podcast covering the challenges treatment face when running a substance use disorder facility.

Nicholas Mathews writes for Healthcare Weekly on How Technology Can Help With Rehab

January 3, 2022

This guest piece in Healthcare Weekly, penned by Nicholas Mathews himself, outlines some of the most important technologies and platforms that can aid in recovery and rehab, including ones used at Stillwater Treatment Center.

Ideas for Fun Sober Dates with Nicholas Mathews

March 10, 2022

Nicholas Mathews, CEO of Stillwater Behavioral Health, outlines a variety of creative and fun ways that couples can date without alcohol or other substances, learned from his time at Stillwater rehab.

Expert on Substance Abuse Explains How COVID-19 Can Lead to Addiction

February 16,2022

This interview contains key insights from Stillwater Behavioral Health CEO Nicholas Mathews on how the Covid-19 pandemic has caused a surge in substance abuse and drug overdose deaths.

Top 25 CEOs and Founders

FEBRUARY 16, 2022

In order to build the world’s most successful companies, CEOs and founders can’t be solely focused on their bottom line. These professionals must also possess the foresight, business acumen, and emotional intelligence necessary to operate companies that are able to remain resilient in the face of adversity while also continuing to deliver valuable products and services to their customers.

celine leaver

Fox News Asks What is Fentanyl? Stillwater Founder Nicholas Matthews Speaks on This Drug

June 24, 2022

Nicholas Mathews shared his expertise with Fox News in this interview, which highlights the fentanyl’s dangers as the “strongest thing on the market” that’s a danger because of higher tolerances.

Substance Abuse Expert Nicholas Matthews discusses what HBO’s “Euphoria” Season 2 got right & wrong about Addiction

January 24,2022

In this interview, Nicholas Matthews shares a wealth of information on what “Euphoria” got right and wrong about drug abuse — including everything from common traits to  how addicts can recover.

CEO of Stillwater Behavioral Health explains why people get addicted to opiods

March 23,2022

Stillwater Behavioral Health CEO Nicholas Mathews shares a wealth of expertise from the frontlines of the opioid epidemic in this piece, including key data and insights.

Nicholas Mathews discusses on Pharmacy Times how pharmacists can respond to problematic opioid prescription practices

August 13, 2021

Pharmacists are key to battling the opioid epidemic, and CEO Nicholas Mathews shares some helpful tips on how they can address issues related to substance abuse through their own practices.

How Nick Mathews went from addict to Entrepreneur

August 16, 2021

In this Authority Magazine profile, we get to see how Nicholas Mathews turned his life around from drug addict to successful entrepreneur — and CEO of one of the Stillwater Behavioral Health.


NOVEMBER 29, 2021

The combination of fentanyl and the coronavirus pandemic have become primary drivers of overdose deaths in the United States.

How True is Hulu’s Dope Sick? Nicholas Mathews Answers

Dec 8,2021

Stillwater Behavioral Health CEO Nicholas Mathews explains how true-to-life Hulu show “Dope Sick” is based on his own lived experience and expertise on the frontlines of the narcotic epidemic.

Substance Abuse Treatment Expert on Overdoses

November 29,2021

Rapid medical interventions are critical to reversing overdose deaths and saving lives, Behavioral Health CEO Nicholas Mathews says in this interview with Patient Safety & Quality Healthcare.